Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who Are We?

I often ask myself 'Who am I?"  This simple question does not have a simple answer.  I am not saying that I am not a simple man.  But really, are any of us simple?  I don't think so.
We all have things about ourselves that we are proud of.  Conversely, we all have things that, given a chance, we would like to do over in a different way.  It's probably a good thing that we aren't given that chance, because if we made the same mistakes twice I imagine we would have a difficult time dealing with it.
We learn from our mistakes.  Hah!  I wish it were that simple.  If this were true I would certainly be a brilliant man because I have made just about every mistake in the book at one time or another.  Still, I did learn from some of my mistakes and that has made me a little bit wiser than if I had not fumbled the ball at all.  I guess that is why older folks are wiser (or we seem to think we are) and the younger generation really can not understand why we think we know so much.  But, I regress.
I am a man.  I had nothing to do with that.  It was not a choice that I was given but it is something that has had a large part of defining who I am.  Men and women have different expectations and we try to live up to those expectations... sometimes.  There are times when we see that these expectations are not fair and we simply ignore them or we consciously turn our back on them.  Sometimes we actually do a pretty good job of living up to them and I guess that makes us feel pretty good about ourselves.
I am a husband.  Boy, have I ever botched that one up.  I finally found a woman who can put up with me and that is about the best thing I have ever done in this category but I will tell you that finding her was nothing more than pure luck.  Nuff said...
I am a Dad.  Wow!  Another botch job.  I never read the book on this one, not even Dr. Spock's  book.  No, kids, Dr. Spock was not on Startrek... or is it Star Trek?  My kids didn't want to listen to what I had to say any more than I wanted to listen to my Dad.  I guess in the end they pretty much have to decide for themselves just who they want to be.  I feel for them because I remember how tough a job it was to "grow up."  Actually, I am still working on that one.
I am an American.  Once again, I had nothing to do with that, but I am very thankful for it and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Have I bored you enough yet?  No?  Well, just wait, because here it comes.
Am I a Democrat or a Republican?  Or am I an Independant?  This is really tough.  I am registered as one of the three because it is required that we do so when we register.  The problem is that by choosing a party we have to take both the good and the bad.  Remind you of anything?  ("...for better or for worse...")   And if I choose not to register as a member of either of the two major parties I can always register as an Independant.  We are all independant, I hope.  The problem with voting for Independant candidates is that they seldom win and we rarely get to make a real statement by voting thusly (Is "thusly" a word?").  I will dwell on this subject in a later blog... maybe.  Zzzzzzzzz...
All of these things and many more determine who I am.  There are so many issues that demand a decision from me and I have to live with those choices.  I like to think that I make good choices... as opposed to when I was a young man... lol.
So, who am I?  I am the result of the choices I have made and of the ones I make on a daily basis.
Of course we all know that I am right and the rest are all idiots... right?
Does that sound familiar?  That's who we are... for better or for worse.

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