Saturday, April 27, 2013

Money, The Root of All Evil?

How many times have we heard that money is the root of all evil?  There may be some truth to the old biblical saying but I'm thinking that the LACK of money may be the root of all evil.  Sometimes people do terrible things to get their hands on money... robbery, murder, embezzlement... you name it.  The fact is that we can't live without it.  Maybe times are different from what they were when the old biblical saying was written.  All I know is that we have to work like crazy just to get enough money to "get by" in this day and age.
I don't get out much anymore.  I stay home and let my wonderful wife do the shopping most of the time.  I am very out of touch concerning the prices of just about everything these days and I almost faint when I look at the store receipt after a day of shopping.  I guess my brain is still trying to hang on to the prices that we paid for things back in the 1960's.  Of course our paychecks were much smaller back then but I still have trouble believing the price of a trip to town these days.
The other day we went to Walmart and bought groceries and some other things we needed around the house.  When we got home I needed to check some prices on the store receipt to see how much it was going to cost me to build some small items that I plan to sell on eBay.  When I picked up the receipt and saw that we had spent almost $300 for that buggy load of "stuff" I almost passed out.  Son of a gun!  And to make matters worse, there were a few things that we forgot to pick up that would have driven the bill even higher!  Wow!
Money is a necessary evil.  Simply put, we can't live without it... lots of it.  And for simple folks it means hard work just to keep up and live a "normal" life these days.  And I am talking about a lot of hard work.  That's just the way it is.
In the end if we work hard and make a little bit of money we can afford to buy the luxuries of life... toilet paper, bread, milk, and even some food for the animals.  We can't expect to get rich but we can survive, and then we might be able to take a few moments to enjoy ourselves.  But first we have to earn and accumulate some of that nasty money.  That's just the way it is unless you were born with a large trust fund or some other large inheritance.
Money is a necessary evil, but at least we live in a country where we can make a few bucks if we put our mind to it.
For that I am thankful.

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