Saturday, April 13, 2013


We have all heard of the legendary Mothman who allegedly roamed Mason County West Virginia from late 1966 to late 1967.  I moved to Mason County 20 years after all of this excitement but I can tell you that I knew a guy named Ralph who swore up and down that Mothman was real.
Ralph was a barber in Point Pleasant, where the Mothman statue now adorns an area watching over the small downtown area just off of Main Street.  Ralph used to tell me about Mothman and about the hunts that he and his buddies went on to capture Mothman.  Knowing Ralph and his love for hunting, like so many others in this area, I doubt that capturing Mothman was ever even considered unless we are talking about capturing something after filling it full of high-powered rifle bullets.  Ralph was a character, but when you listened to the big old grizzled barber with his salt and pepper beard talking about Mothman you couldn't help but to notice how his eyes light up.  It kind of made you want to believe that this loveable old country boy had actually seen something that resembled a man with wings but I never could let myself even come close to accepting his story.  Of course, I never told Ralph that I didn't believe him.
Now I'm not so sure.  If you look at the Mothman statue you will see the image of a being that much resembles ancient depictions of devils and other unworldly creatures that have been drawn, painted, and carved by our ancestors around the planet.  Is this a coincidence?  Maybe.
During the time of the Mothman sightings another memorable occurance took place in Point Pleasant in which several people were killed.  The old Silver Bridge that connected West Virginia to Ohio collapsed into the Ohio River killing quite a few commuters.  This happened in 1967 and was a terrible tragedy.  What does this have to do with Mothman, you ask?  Maybe nothing.  But some say that the picture below shows Mothman on the bridge just hours before the collapse.  Go figure.
Is Mothman for real?  Was he a creature from the woods?  Was he a creature from another world?  I don't know.  But isn't it weird how so many of these alien sightings seem to depict beings that are similar?  I really don't know what to believe anymore.  I will tell you this.  I am finding myself leaning toward having a more open mind about these things as I rethink them.  What do you think?

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