Monday, April 15, 2013

Monsters of the Night

When you were a kid were you afraid of the dark?  Of course you weren't.  Neither was I.  A lot of my friends were afraid of monsters and other creatures that lurked about in the dark of night... but not me.  No sir, not me.
Some of my friends were so petrified of the Night Monsters that they would run anytime they had to "walk" outside at night.  Of course I had to run to keep up with them, but I wasn't running because I was afraid of the dark.  No sir, not me!
I even heard of kids who would hide under the cover at night in the bed so that the creatures that roamed in little kids' bedrooms could not see them and "get them".  But of course I never did that.  Not me.
However, being the cautious kid that I was, I did take certain precautions at night when I was in bed in my dark bedroom.  Any intelligent kid is cautious, right?  Absolutely.  I mean, it only makes sense to be cautious.  Everybody knows that.  It wasn't that I believed in Night Monsters... I was just being cautious.
For instance, I would always be as quiet and as still as possible when I was in bed.  I heard that Night Monsters don't bother little kids when they are asleep, but I wasn't trying to act like I was asleep so they wouldn't "get" me.  Not me.  I just didn't want to keep my sisters in the next room awake by making too much noise.  I was always a considerate kid when it came to things like that.
And one last thing... I never let my arm hang off ot the bed at night, not even for a second.  I wasn't afraid that some silly monster would be hiding under my bed just waiting for a chance to chew my arm off the minute I hung it off the side of the bed.
No sir.  Not me!


  1. When I go to your blog via Facebook I can't seem to find a place to comment. I can if I go to it through my browser.

  2. Thank Mike. Maybe if anyone wants to make any comments they can copy the link from my Facebook posts and paste it into their browser. I would like to hear what others have to say.
