Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Idiots... they're everywhere!  No matter how hard I try to avoid them, somehow they always find me.  It seems that everywhere I look there are idiots.  I hardly know where to start when I want to talk about all of the idiots in the world.
First of all, what is an idiot?  I looked up the definition of "idiot" and here are some of the definitions I found.
   1. Any person having a mental age below that of a 3-year old child.
   2. An embicile.
   3. A dolt. (Whatever the hell that is...)
   4. A moron.
   5. A cretin.  (I guess Crete has a lot of idiots.)
Does that sound like anybody you know?  Your friends?  Your brother?  Your sister?  That person in the mirror?  I guess we all act like idiots sometimes, but I'll tell you that some of these idiots aren't acting.  They are the real thing.  Here is a list of people that I think are total complete idiots.
   1. Anyone who doesn't agree with everything I say.
   2. Anyone who watches Snooki on television.
   3. Rednecks (This one might include yours truly.)
   4. Anyone who votes for the other political candidate.  (See #1.)
   5. The folks who write and produce television commercials.
   6. The people who watch television commercials.
   7. Politicians who think they can convince me they are telling the truth.
   8. Anyone who watches Kim what's her name do Miami or whatever.
   9. People who write blogs.
  10. People who read blogs. (Just joking... lol.)
Have I offended you yet?  This is only the beginning of what could be a very long list but I am going to stop the list at 10 because I will go crazy(er?) if I keep thinking about it.
One thing about an idiots... you can't argue with them because in order to do so you have to get down to their level and if you do they will win because they have more experience arguing at that level.
Have you ever noticed that idiots always seem to have a lot of friends?  Go figure. 
I'll tell you another thing that really gets my goat... those manufacturers who try to make and sell "idiot-proof" products.  Heck, I'm still having trouble figuring out how to open the child-proof lids on my Nyquil.  I'm sure the idiots have no problem with it.  Whatever.
Do you know any idiots?  Do you have friends who always seem to ask the most idiotic questions?  Is your spouse an idiot?  I think my spouse's spouse is an idiot, but I'm still working on that one.
Before I started writing this little rambling essay I "Googled" the word "idiot."  If you ever get bored and want to read some crazy stuff (notice I didn't say shit) just Google the word idiot.  There is even a test for idiots which I found myself taking until I realized I must be an idiot for taking a test for idiots.  Duh.
Anyway, to sum this up, there are a lot of idiots in this world and we are not going to be able to get away from them.  So, as they say, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

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