Saturday, April 20, 2013

Come On CNN... Get with the Program!

Like many others, I was watching the continuous LIVE(?) news or the hunt to capture the second Boston Marathon bomber last night on CNN.  It was becoming more of an effort than it should have been because good ol' Wolf Blitzer's droning was putting me to sleep.  Nevertheless, I was hanging on to every tidbit of news as it was being released but it seemed like actual facts were few and far between.  Anyway, I was hanging in there.
Then Wolf said something that really upset me.  He said that they were delaying their programming intentionally so that they could cut out "anything that happened that the viewer should not see."  What?  You have got to be kidding.
If I am going to spend hours on end watching Wolf and friends drone on endlessly and repetitively about insignificant non-news I feel that I deserve to see the news "as it happens."  Someone else was going to make a determination whether or not I should see graphic news and they were going to make this decision within a matter of seconds?  I am not a happy camper at this point.  I am pretty upset.
So I change the channel to MSNBC and I start seeing things that CNN is not even reporting.  The same thing was happening over on Fox News (which, incidentally, I despise).  These other two news networks were not only telling that the suspect was hiding in someone's boat which was parked in their back yard, but they were even giving the address where the boat was.  MSNBC was actually showing a satellite of the area showing a photo of the house and the actual boat where all of this was taking place.
All of this was being done while CNN was busy showing only police cars running up and down the street and deciding what I should see and what I should not see.
What is CNN thinking?  Don't they realize that in the 21st century that the whole world is connected wirelessly and that instant news is a fait accompli to even the most unimformed?  Have they forgotten that CNN stands for Cable News Network?  Maybe it should stand or Cable Non-News.
Come on CNN... Get with the Program!

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