Monday, April 22, 2013

Stupid Television Commercials

Most of us do not like television commercials.  They always seem to interrupt the programming at the most inopportune moments and force (or try to force) us into watching someone try to convince us to buy their products as opposed to some other product.  But that is not what really upsets me about today's (and yesterday's) commercials.
Being that I am a mature (a nice word for OLD) male I will admit that I may be somewhat biased in my opinion, but it seems that today's commercials, by default, must have at least one stupid man in them.  This man must appear to be clueless, ignorant, and totally inept at making intelligent choices and it is all that much better if the male is as goofy-looking as he acts.
Sure, there are goofy idiotic males out there... but it seems that television commercials portray ALL adult males as being totally incapable and absolutely idiotic.  You know what I mean.  I don't think I have to expound on this to make you understand what I am saying.  It is all too obvious.  Do we really think that males are this clueless?
And what about these talking animals that we are supposed to take advice from?  Yeah, right, I am going to listen to an animated lizard tell me what kind of insurance I need to buy.  That REALLY gets my goat!  It must be working for a lot of people because this seems to be the wave of the future of television commercials. 
I'm not going to drag this thing out, but I am going to ask a couple of quick questions.  Are American males really that stupid?  And ladies, are you really that simple-minded to think this is realism?  Don't you dare answer that!  You girls obviously this sort of thing but doesn't it offend your intelligence just a little that these folks expect you to watch and take advice from these types of commercials?  I will be nice and not comment on that one... lol.
That's about all I can say about these commercials without getting really nasty and offending all of you wonderful intelligent folks who are reading this.
Stupid television commercials!

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