Sunday, April 21, 2013

We Are Infidels and We Are Going to Die!

Yes, we are non-believers and we are going to die.  These are the cold hard facts and there is no getting around it.  EVERYONE is an infidel and everyone is going to die.
"Oh no, I'm a believer" you say.  Well, maybe so, but what do you believe in?  Whatever it may be that you believe in I can guarantee you that there is someone, somewhere who believes in something different and views you as a non-believer.  Some people, a lot of them in fact, take offense at your differing beliefs and is willing to kill you because of it.
And don't tell me that you have never had thoughts of killing someone of another faith. Let me repeat that.  Don't even TRY to tell me that you have never had thoughts of killing someone of a different religion because of their beliefs.
Every religion I know of is violent in some form or another even though some will try to tell you that God is Love.  Hogwash.  A religious person is not a fun person to be around.  Think about it.  You may take offense at this as you read it but as you have time to think about it you will realize that this is the truth.  Think of a person who is a lot of fun to be around.  Does that person talk religion?  Heck no!  Now, think of the most religious person you know.  Are they fun to be around?  Heck no!  And don't try to tell me about this "fellowship" thing.  Bah humbug.
And what about the folks who don't believe in any sort of a God?  EVERYBODY hates them!  If you choose to be an atheist or an agnostic you had better be a tough cookie.  Either that or keep your big mouth shut.  No self-respecting believer wants to hear what you have to say.  You better have eyes and ears that swivel because there are a lot of people out there that think this would be a better place without people like you.
Why is this?  Maybe people just don't like people who don't believe the same as they do.  It makes them look wrong about what they believe and you are basically saying that they are wrong and therefore stupid.  This may sound a little bit blunt, but this is no time to pull punches.  This is a time for the truth... whatever the heck that is.
We are going to die.  I love telling people this.  I always get a chuckle at their reaction.  People do not want to hear this even though they know it to be true.  We are all going to die at some point in time.  We may or may not know what the cause of our death is going to be but we definitely are going to die, so get ready to face death.  It's going to happen and we can not change that.
One thing we can do though is to keep someone who believes differently from killing us.  How?  Why, we can kill them before they get a chance to kill us, of course.  Then we would have a peaceful world.  Bwaaaahaaaahaaaa.  I love it.
There is one group of folks who seem to be an exception to what I am saying and that is the Buddhists.  They seem to be a peaceful group of folks.  But wow, do they ever pay a price for it!  I don't know a lot about Buddhists, but they do seem to be peaceful.  Of course, there are some Buddhist monks that seem ready and able to take care of themselves.  Maybe I need to learn more about them.
One more thing... I don't see this situation as getting better any time soon.  In fact, I don't see it EVER getting much better.  But that's just me.
We are all infidels and we are all going to die.  Am I right about this, or am I crazy?

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