Thursday, April 18, 2013

Welcome Home Mama Squirrel

I love animals.  Dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, squirrels, snakes, you name it... I love them all.  Ok, maybe I don't love spiders, but if they are furry or have feathers I love them all.  No, snakes don't have fur or feathers but I grew up in South Georgia and I was introduced to snakes at a young age by a women who kept King Snakes and Rattlers in her outbuilding and she let me hold them occasionally, so I lost my fear of snakes at an early age.
I live in West Virginia now, on the side of a hill overlooking a large river and there are woods all around my house and we get surprise visits from animals quite often.  I'm not so sure that these animals need to be fed but I just enjoy feeding them.  It also gives me a chance to see them close up when they come to nibble on the treats.  I really enjoy watching them.
I have had deer walk right up to the back door, and the raccoons and possums just love it when Wanda, my wife, sets garbage bags out for them to tear into... lol.  We even had a Mama Squirrel who just loves the old sycamore tree just outside the back door and there is a hole about 15 feet up that she calls home for part of the year.  A few years back she had a little family that we got a kick out of watching grow up.  They grew up and left for the forest out back and I haven't seen them for a few years.
A few years back we quit feeding the animals because my health just wouldn't let me get out and do it and the animals, including Mama Squirrel, wandered away.  We would see her on occasion but we weren't putting out corn for her and there was no bird food for her to pilfer.  Not until yesteday afternoon anyway.
Yesterday I called Wanda, my sweet wife, and asked her to bring some bird food home from work. I'm feeling a little better these days and I wanted my animal friends back so I could watch them and maybe take a few pictures of them with my "new" camera.
So, wifee brough home some black oil sunflower seeds and some wild bird food mix.  It was early in the afternoon so she went ahead and filled up the old homemade bird feeders and sat outside in her favorite lawn chair waiting for the birds to show up.
After a few minutes she noticed a movement in the trees out back.  Something was out there.  Pretty soon she saw it... a squirrel.  It went from limb to limb around the far side of the house and kept jumping from tree to tree in front of the house until it worked it's way around to the big cedar tree in front of the near side of the house.  From there it jumped on the power line that runs up to our house and scurried up to the big tulip maple tree that holds the big bird feeder.  She scampered down the side of the tulip maple until she was able to leap the 4 feet out to the bird feeder and hung on for dear life until the feeder stopped swinging.  She then climbed in and gorged herself with "bird" food.
Remember, we hadn't feed the animals for a few years... and yet must minutes this squirrel comes out of the woods and digs in for a big meal.  Only one squirrel knew how to get to that feeder by the route that this squirrel took.  This had to be our Mama Squirrel from a few years back.
Welcome Home Mama Squirrel.

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