Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Not Blogging About Women Today

I'm not going to write a blog today... or is this considered a blog?  I don't know.  All I know is that while I was trying to decide what to write about today I researched "the fairer sex" and I still don't know enough about them to write a coherent blog about them.
It's not because I haven't been doing my research.  Heck, I've been studying women for many years... I mean really studying them.  Just to show you how dedicated I am to my research I even took some time this morning to look through some pictures of NFL Cheerleaders on  I don't think I know any more about women than before I started my research.  Go figure.
I am a very dedicated researcher of women.  I have been studying them since I was a kid sneaking a look at the magazines in Bray's Curb Store on the corner of Ashley and College Streets in Valdosta Georgia.  Dedicated is the word.  I love to do research.
As a young boy I "went steady" (very unsteadily I might add) with quite a few girls but I don't think I learned a darn thing about them in the process.  Now that I am a grown man (Notice I didn't say "grown-up.") I am married to one. And let me insert that she is a wonderful woman.  I have to say that or else she will beat me up with a baseball bat while I am sleeping.)  But she is the best.  Any woman who can put up with me is definitely angel material.  Yes sir, I am dedicated in my research.
I am sorry to say that all of this research has not helped me one bit.  I think that I know less about women now than when I gave a bottle of perfume (L'eau de Toilet) to Pam Middleton in the third grade.  I think that was the beginning of the end.  I blame everything on that little green bottle.  From there it all went downhill.
But I think I may be onto something.  The other day I was reading about the difference between the brain of a woman versus that of a man.  I am still doing research in that department.  When I get enough material together maybe I will be able to write a blog about women.  You will be the first to know when I get this thing figured out.  In the meantime if anyone out there has any information that will help me in my quest to understand women I would very much appreciate it if you would forward it to me.  If I get enough good material I just might write a blog about women someday.
Until then I will be doing my utmost to figure out just what it is that makes women tick.

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