Friday, April 12, 2013


Bigfoot, Sasquatch, call him what you want, but call me skeptical.  Don't get me wrong.  I want to believe that there is a big hairy creature walking around in our forests trying to exist in solitude. It is exciting to think that such a creature exists, but I am convinced that this whole Bigfoot thing is hogwash. Why?  Let me explain.
I spend a lot of time watching the Discovery Channel and other channels with "scientific" programming because I love science.  In high school and college I took every science course that I could fit into my schedule.  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Astronomy, Geology and even Computer Science.  I love science.  Science answers a lot of my questions but it also presents me with a lot of new questions to ponder.  And right now I am having a problem with the question of whether or not Bigfoot is a reality.  Why?  Please allow me to explain.
There are 7 billion people on our planet and many of them are believers of a big hairy creature that is as large or even much larger than we are.  But where is the proof?  Yes, there are a few samples of hair that some claim to be from this creature but that has not proven to be conclusive.  There are many who have seen a big hairy human-like creature but can not provide us with any evidence.  And there is some video.  Let's talk about these videos.
The one video that we are all so familiar with is a facinating film clip.  It this clip is authentic then I may be totally wrong about being a non-believer.  But I have some problems with any and all of the video I have seen to date.  The one that I am referring to shows a very hairy "creature" walking away from the camera at a leisurely pace.  It almost looks furry.  Obviously Bigfoot cares a lot about grooming.  Strange.  Researchers claim that one of the most common claims made by people who have sighted Bigfoot are that he stinks... really bad.  In fact they claim that Bigfoot's odor can be detected by our puny olfactory senses from great distances.  That doesn't sound like a well-groomed animal to me.
Last night I watched a program showing Bigfoot researchers pursuing some sighting leads.  They went out into the woods with cameras to capture some footage.  The video was horrendous!  The camera shook constantly and was in and out of focus and seemed to be pointed everywhere except where it should have been pointed.  The "videographer" seemed to be unable to take clear video of ANYTHING other than poorly illuminated faces of "witnesses" on the scene.
I really have a problem placing these Bigfoot productions in the category of science programming.  They are entertaining sometimes but seldom are they enlightening or filled with facts.  Does anyone have any good video of Bigfoot.  Even a good snapshot from a cellphone would be good.  We don't have any skeletal remains other than an unidentified partial jawbone that could or could not be relevant to Bigfoot's existence.  A creature this large must have a voracious appetite, but we can't find any droppings.  Weird.
I want to believe in Bigfoot.  I think most of us do.  But until someone can show me a better reason to believe than what I have seen so far I guess I remain a skeptic.
And I'm not even from Missouri...

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