Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing

A terrible thing happened yesterday in Boston.  Bombs took the life of an 8-year old and several others who were in downtown Boston to watch the annual Boston Marathon.  Many lives were forever changed including a substantial number of people who had arms and/or legs blown off of their body.  We will know the total extent of the carnage in the days to come.  We may discover the motive and we may not but any way you look at it it was a terrible day for Americans and some who are not Americans.  I will only make this brief comment today.  My heart goes out to any and all who were affected by this terrible deed.  If you believe in prayer you should probably offer a prayer for these poor unfortunate families who were out to enjoy a day in the sunshine only to have this act of terror tear away the security and happiness that they were feeling before the blasts.  I am sure we all have much to say about this but today I will hold my comments for another day.  I am shocked and angry and wish I could do more to help.  No one can help this 8-year old child.  It is too late.  And please don't tell me that everything happens for a reason.  More later.

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