Sunday, April 7, 2013


UFO's are on my mind today and I feel the need to express my thoughts. Why? Not sure, but maybe because I am wondering if I, and many others, have been misled over the years about the subject.
There are a lot of "Loonies" (for lack of a better word) on this planet, but there are also quite a few credible people among us. Are all of the UFO sighting reports fabricated?  I don't believe that they all are.  Surely some are, but with this many sightings and actual reports filed by credible people, I am inclined to believe that as least a percentage of them are factual.

A doctor and his wife, both of whom I have known for over 20 years tell me that they once saw two "objects" fly overhead as such a phenomenal speed that they could not have been any kind of aircraft, military or otherwise, that they had ever seen or heard of.  They were both glad that the other was with them and witnessed the event.  They will never forget it, they told me.  The doctor actually filed a UFO report.
Did test pilot/astronaut Gordon Cooper and his camera crew actually film a UFO landing on the desert floor near Edwards AFB years ago. According to Cooper, the film was immediately flown to Washington D.C. and was never released for public comsumption.
Are there really bodies of some of these creatures in cold storage somewhere at Wright-Patterson AFB?  A retired worker from the base who had very high security clearance says that he saw some of the bodies and that the skulls are of humanoid shape but much smaller than ours.
Are the reported sightings by commercial airline pilots just figments of their imagination?
I really doubt that these sightings are all a hoax and I do not think that they are experimental US aircraft.
I would really like to see some physical evidence released to the public so this matter could be settled once and for all.

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