Saturday, April 13, 2013

Was Jesus An Alien?

Did that title get your attention?  I imagine that many of you probably feel like swinging a big baseball bat at me right now.  Or worse.  OK, I understand, but just hang on for a minute or two.  Let's just take a look at this, ok?
From the time I was seven or eight years old my family attended a small Independant Baptist Church (Calvary Baptist Church) in south Georgia.  In fact, our family helped to found the church and my Dad was a deacon and the songleader.  Side note:  He couldn't carry a tune in a bucket but, like I said, it was a small church.  It was also very fundamental and followed the Bible LITERALLY.  This meant that Jesus was born of the VIRGIN Mary and that he rose again on the third day after his crucifixion.  He could die for out sins because he, unlike man, was not born in sin. Let's talk about that, shall we?
If he was not born in sin like you and I supposedly were, and if his father was not of this Earth, does not that mean that he also was not of this Earth?  Don't get upset, just think about it.
Ok... now... what is the definition of an Alien?  It can mean a lot of things but I am talking about the meaning in context of either being an Earthling or not being an Earthling.  Was Jesus an Earthling?  He can not be both.  Either he was and Earthling or he was not of this world.  If God, his father, is not of this world, how can Jesus be of this world?  Like I said, he can't be both.
Now you are upset.  Think about why you are upset.  Maybe you prefer not to think about it.  That is your choice.  I prefer not to hide under a rock.  I like to try to think things out.  Isn't that what Jesus would want me to do?
Let's not get into a discussion (today) about when the Bible was written and by whom.  As far as we know most of the gospels were not written by their namesakes but by believers anywhere from 100 to 600 years after his death and resurrection.  The closest thing we might have to an exception to this might be the books written based on letters to the Christians in certain churches.  But some don't classify these books as the Gospel.  I didn't say that they are not about actual letters that he wrote.  I just said that by definition they are not part of the Gospel.  And some of the writings that were not chosen by the attendees of the conference at Constantinople contained reference concerning things that we consider taboo.  I'm going to mention just one of those things.  Some of those writing that were discarded and not included in the Bible talk of Jesus having some children.
Did Jesus have any children?  I do not know.  Period.  But if he did would you have a problem with that?  I would like to know the truth but probably never will because some guys at a conference hundreds of years ago decided that I did not need that information.  Methinks they were playing God.
I do not think that Jesus was of this Earth.  Would not that make him an alien?  What do you think?

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