Friday, July 12, 2013

Where Are The News Channels?

I am a news junkie.  I watch news channels and I search the net for interesting news stories every day.  Even though there are billions of people on our planet a huge number of cameras being carried by many of those same people, it is becoming more and more difficult to find newsworthy events that are getting coverage these days.  I remember when Headline News (HLN) was a "pure" news channel.  I would watch HLN at every opportunity because I love to watch news.  Real news is not a result of a script... it is a conglomerate of real-life, real-time events that are occurring all over the planet at any given moment in time.  Real news is everywhere and is easily documented in this day and age of advanced technology and instant communications.  But real news is becoming more and more difficult to find on the television.  There must be a reason for this and, if I am guessing correctly, the reason is not pretty.
News Channels have become Entertainment Channels.  Why is this?  My guess is $$$.  The corporate bottom line has become more important that the substance of the product in this day and age therefore the sponsors of the News Channels dictate what these channels include in their programming.
No, Proctor and Gamble does not call CNN and tell them which programs to schedule.  But CNN knows which type of programming will draw the masses that the corporate sponsors want to reach with their advertising dollars, therefore they are wielding a lot of influence in regard to the programming we see on the News Channels.
I mentioned "the masses" that the advertisers are wanting to reach.  Unfortunately these masses do not include a high percentage of "news hounds."  Many of these people are not interested in pure news but prefer drama and entertainment to a good news story.  Therefore the News Channels have changed their format to include drama and entertainment as their top priority and pure news has taken a back seat.
The latest fad is the televising of courtroom drama.  Maybe the fad isn't so new but it's dominance of the "News Channels" certainly is.  We can probably thank the judge who allowed television cameras in the courtroom during the O.J. Simpson trial for much of this.  Most of us watch quite a bit of that trial and that fact did not go unnoticed by the sponsors and the networks who know a dollar when they see it.  I am not against courtroom television.  I only wish the trials could be shown on channels other than the News Channels.  My news programming has been trumped by this courtroom drama.
I sit here waiting for the latest courtroom trial to come to an end so that I can watch some news again... at least until the next big televised trial comes up.  Oh well...

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