Monday, July 15, 2013


I know... I'm picking on CNN again.  Well folks, I can't help it.  Give them a gun and they shoot themselves in the foot.  Give them enough rope and they hang themselves.  I don't make this stuff up.  I'm not THAT smart.
So, you ask, what have they done now?  Well, if you remember a few days ago I wrote about a new scientific study that shows just how harmful soda's and artificial sweeteners are for your health.  Maybe you read that article on  Some of the CNN staff read that article and decided to do some research of their own to see if all of this hullabuloo is the real thing.  So how did they research the subject?  They went back and read the OLD research studies that have just been found to be flawed and based their findings on that.  Based on the old research they are saying that the new research is not correct.  They never said exactly why, but the group of CNN staffers all agree that soda and artificial sweeteners are not bad for your health. Okaaaaaay. 
Way to go CNN... you did it again!

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