Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Note To the Honorable Reverend Jesse Jackson

Yes, Rev. Jackson, racism was involved in the Zimmerman/Martin debacle. Racism will ALWAYS be involved in incidents like this any time those involved are of two different races. Race was involved from the very outset in this incident beginning when Martin realized that "some Cracker" was watching him. Isn't that what Neighborhood Watch members do? You are calling for "Justice." Will you be satisfied when a black man kills Zimmerman and ends up serving a life sentence? Of course you will, because that will give you another chance to get your face on national television. And as for Martin not getting a trial by his peers, may I call to your attention that Zimmerman was the one on trial, not Martin... and the jury was not made up of Mr. Zimmerman's peers... unless you call one black/Hispanic woman his peer. Incidentally, she was as close to being one of Martin's peers as she was to being Zimmerman's peer. I know... that is all academic. The point is that you were able to get on CNN again will holding hands with the "oppressed" preaching your sermon of vengeance. Good for you "Reverend" Jackson.

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