Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Racism: A Natural Phenomena?

Racism... not something we enjoy talking about or reading about, but is it something that just naturally occurs in nature?
Let's be clear... I'm not talking about bigotry, hatred, or hypocrisy.  We often associate these behaviors with racism, and for good reasons in many cases.  Let's just take a short moment and consider racism in it's purest form if we may.
First of all, just how prevalent is racism?  The short answer is that it is EVERYWHERE.  I see racist behavior in even those individuals and organizations who claim to espouse a referendum of a non-racism or anti-racist behavior.  In fact, I don't know that I can really tell you that I know anyone, other than maybe some (all?) politicians who even act like they are not racists.
Sure, we see the hand-holding and the choruses of freedom songs being sung by mixed crowds with big eutopian smiles on their faces as if this is the way it should be for everyone and all time, but let's be realistic.  This, too, is a natural phenomena.  Realistic or not, there have always been and there will always be idealists among us.  These are usually younger (but not always) people who cling to ideals yet seem not to have any semblance of a grip on reality.
Let us take a look at the planet as a whole.  As a rule (with many exceptions), our planet is made up of people of similar race living in micro-societies that are making an effort to work together and form a workable worldwide societal solution.  There is some degree of blending of races in our local ethnic villages (for lack of a better term) but we naturally seem to group together and make our abodes among those who are similar to us in race, creed, and religion.  This just seems to be a natural thing.  This is the way it has been for thousands of years and anything that differs from this just doesn't seem natural.  Those who live and mix with others are usually members of a society where laws (written by politicians) are trying to make it seem as if the world would be a better place if we all just mixed into one group and "got along."  The funny thing is that these same politicians tend to live in exclusive communities that are made up of folks who are of the same race as themselves.  Yes, there are exceptions.  There are always exceptions.  The problem here is that some people seem to think that we should make exceptions be our rule.  This, in my opinion, is nothing more than trying to go against nature.
We all have an affinity for others of our own race.  Is this racism?  Yes!  Is there anything wrong with this?  No!  We are not all activists like the KKK and the NAACP.  These groups give racism a bad name.  Racism is a natural phenomena.  That's just the way it is.

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