Thursday, June 27, 2013

Looking Forward to 2014

I don't usually look ahead to "next year" but so many of the economists are saying that the US (and the World) economy is very likely to rebound next summer.  I look forward to that happening.
The state of our economy usually doesn't affect me much because I am on a fixed income and my wife's income is pretty much the same regardless of economic conditions.  Actually, when the economy slumps it is a little better for us because prices tend to be lower during times of recession.  So, why am I looking forward to a surging economy?
I have just recently begun to try my hand at selling my hand-made (mostly from available parts) bird feeders and accessories on eBay and I am in the process of trying to set up a small online store of my own.  I doubt I will ever be able to sell as much merchandise on my own website as I can sell on eBay but at least what I sell on my own site will not be subject to eBay's 10% auction hosting fees.  That extra 10% could be nice if I can get some sales off of my own site, but even if I only get eBay sales a better economy will mean more extra money for my buyers.
Right now sales are generally slow all over eBay.  I see Sellers discussing this on the forums and I think it is mainly due to family vacations that so many people take during June and early July.  They are saving every extra penny for that family outing and their mind is not on buying other things right now.  I think sales will begin to pick up again in a couple of weeks after most families have returned from their annual summer vacation.  That will be nice.
And it will be even nicer if the economy is doing well this time next year.

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