Saturday, June 15, 2013

Busy with Bird Stuff

I haven't written anything for a while because I have been pretty busy with the bird stuff.  I sell a few of my wild bird feeder (hummingbird) designs on eBay and have been working at getting a business license so I can sell legally at the local level.  I have a renewed respect for small business owners because I now know how many things a person must go through to open even the smallest and simplest business.  I plan on doing business online with an option for local pickup and maybe supplying a few stores with wild bird accessories.  I'm not going to get too ambitious because this is a competitive business but maybe I can pick up a little pocket change down the line if all goes well.  For the moment I am pretty much treading water with the expense of buying office and shipping supplies pretty much draining my little budget.  Obviously the State of West Virginia is not getting in too much of a rush to mail my new business certificate to me and until I get that I can't get my wholesalers lined up but it should be in the mail pretty soon.  I am hoping to combine my creations with some of the better low-cost bird feeders and next boxes so that my customers will have an affordable choice of wild bird accessories.  I will be staying away from the higher-priced ornamental items and will focus on form and function rather than style, although I am hoping to incorporate style at a low price when possible.  I will be catering to the po' folks and not to the rich unless they are really budget conscious and tight with their money.
I never realized how much time would be involved in even the smallest business venture but since I am basically doing everything myself it is very time consuming.  I have been designing business cards, letterheads, and a new website ( as well as learning html programming.  I piddled with programming years ago with machine language and some Basic and Pascal, but my programming skills have escaped me and I am having to relearn everything.  I can't put any products on my new website until my business certificate gets here but I hope to get it going in the next month of so and intend to be in full swing by time next spring gets here.  I have a few new designs I want to get out but right now I am pretty much pressed for time to do anything except the basics. 
Anyway... just wanted everyone to know that I am still around and don't plan on going anywhere for now.  I'll be updating you on occasion and maybe even sharing an opinion or two from time to time but right now my little brain is pretty much in overload mode.  Did someone say "nap time?"  Sounds good to me!

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