Saturday, June 1, 2013

Grandma's and Grandpa's Aren't As Old As They Used To Be

Funny thing about how much younger Grandma's and Grandpa's are nowadays...  I remember when I was a kid how old all of my friends' parents were and I was really glad that I wasn't old like that.  I'm telling you, these folks were ancient!  Miraculously it's not like that anymore.  These days the parents all seem to be adolescents and most of the grandparents are just kids.  It must be science or something.
I am in my 60's and I will tell you that if I didn't have a mirror I would think that I am still just a kid.  I mean, I see things a little differently these days but it still seems that I am looking at the world through the eyes of a youngster.  The only difference is that everybody else the world seems to be younger than folks were when I was a kid.  It's crazy.
When I watch a college football game and the quarterback on the sideline takes off his helmet I think to myself, "Why this guy's just a kid!"  Wow.  And the other day I was watching a show about fighter pilots in the military on one of the Discovery channels and I'm telling you, they have little kids flying those jets nowadays!  What is the world coming to?
Surely it's not just me.  Has anybody else who was born in the 40's or 50's noticed this?  Heck... by the time my grandkids grow up the astronauts will probably be wearing diapers!
Go figure...

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