Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Favorite (and Not-So-Favorite) Holidays

Yesterday was Memorial Day... one of my favorite holidays... and I enjoyed it very much. We cooked a large pork roast on the grill and I took some pics of the birds on the bird feeders.  Sissy (dogger) soaked up some Sun while Miss Kitty got in some serious tree climbing in her best effort to impress us.  It was a nice day.  
Some holidays are not that enjoyable.  Sure, some of us get the day off to celebrate whatever that particular holiday commemorates, but many holidays come with baggage.  Actually, depending who you are, maybe all holidays come with baggage... but some are worse than others... and here is why.
Let's start with the big one... Christmas, or whatever you wish to call that holiday season.  Call me a Scrooge if you will, but no matter, Christmas is just not all that enjoyable of a holiday.  Sure, it's great to watch the kids get their toys and laugh and play on Christmas.  Some of us get to see our extended families during the Christmas season also, and that is good... sometimes.  But here is the catch.  We are all EXPECTED to buy gifts for people on Christmas Day.  Sometimes that can be a LOT of people.  And that can be a LOT of money.  We are expected to spend money during what is a very tough economic time of the year.  Layoffs (of full-time jobs) are rampant during the Christmas Season.  Factories shut down and stores virtually quit ordering new merchandise.  They have already stocked up for Christmas and now must sell down their inventory to avoid paying too much tax on their inventory come the new year. Warehouses slow down, trucking slows down, and generally employment goes way down during the season.  Utility bills go up because of the cold weather and our household budgets get strained to the limit.  It is just not a time that I can honestly say that I enjoy.
There are other holidays where we are expected to buy gifts, but not all of them are really that bad.  We are expected to buy gifts on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays (other than family), and probably others that I am forgetting about.  Now, don't get me wrong... I am not against buying my loved ones a gift every now and then.  I am a gift giver and I enjoy doing it.  So far this year I have gifted quite a bit and most of it had nothing to do with any holiday.  (Wifee's chocolate diamond ring was the exception, but I know better than to forget HER birthday... lol.) 
As I said, I enjoy giving gifts.  I just don't like to be told that I HAVE to buy gifts for folks that probably feel the same way about it as I do.  That is my main complaint about some of the holidays.
I do enjoy the holidays where I am not compelled to give gifts but can just enjoy the time with my family and friends.  New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving are My Favorite Holidays.  These holidays are meant to remember and to enjoy.  Memorial Day is tough... a lot of us have lost friends and loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  I take time to do this on Memorial Day and then I do my best to enjoy the off time.  I think this is the way that they would want it.  It is a meaningful and enjoyable (for the most part) holiday.
And then there are the meaningless holidays.  Columbus Day comes immediately to mind.  I won't go into this one, but you already know how I feel about Christopher Columbus if you have read all of my earlier blogs.  Why in the hell is it even a holiday?  Go figure.
Easter is one that has really gone down the tubes.  It has evolved into a day where we go out and watch little kids run around and try to find and eat all of the chocolate Bunny eggs possible.  Nuff said.
Halloween... All Hallow's Eve.  I say let the kids have their fun. 
And let's not forget Groundhog Day.  Puxsutawney Phil and his silly band of characters.  Wow, what a zoo... pun intended.  At least Groundhog Day is good for a laugh or two, so maybe it's not so bad after all.

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