Monday, May 6, 2013

Internet Sales Tax

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote today on a bill that would require all major (whatever that means) online retailers to collect sales tax on all transactions.  Here is my opinion on that.
I do a lot of shopping online, mainly because I just don't care much for leaving the house and shopping.  I can usually find a pretty good price online and most of the time I do not have to pay sales tax on my purchases.  However, I do have to pay for shipping.  Even when a seller states that shipping is Free I know that he has already covered the transportation costs in his price he has set for the item.  No problem.  I do the same thing when I sell online so I understand that this is really just a game.
Why do we have to pay sales tax?  Sure, the country needs a LOT of money to keep everything running but isn't that what income tax is for?  I really don't thing it is fair for my income to be taxed and then the same money is taxed again when I purchase something, unless it is a food item, which is not taxed in my state.  I guess that this means that food is a necessity so I don't have to pay tax on it but nothing else I buy is a necessity so I have to pay sales tax on it.
When I buy something online and do not have to pay sales tax I feel like a petty criminal.  I really shouldn't have to feel this way and I don't think it is right for me to have to feel this way.  Neither do I think I should have to pay sales tax on any other thing I buy.  Just because we have been doing it all of our lives doesn't make it right.
I have a proposal that I think would work for our country... and all other countries.  Why don't we all pay income tax on our earnings and cut out the sales tax?   The "big guys" don't have to pay income tax at the same rate I do therefore the country has to make up for it by charging sales tax.  I say "Not Fair!"
The big guys will jump in and say "Wait a minute, we give a lot of people jobs."  Sure they do, and these workers pay income tax and buy the products others have produced which keeps people working.  It isn't just the company bigwig who keeps the economy going.  The little guy has just as much to do with keeping our economy viable as the big guys do.  Maybe more, since our money is taxed twice!
Why don't we just all pay a fair share of our income tax and do away with sales tax?

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