Friday, May 24, 2013

Abused Women... Leave... Now!

Jodi Arias says she was abused so she retaliated by stabbing, cutting, and shooting her boyfriend.  Lorena Bobbitt says she was abused so she sliced of her husband's manhood while he was asleep.  Whitney Houston was obviously abused by Bobby Brown but she chose not to leave him.  She ended up taking her own life in desperation.
These people are famous now but domestic abuse is a very prevalent occurrence in virtually every nation on the planet.  Domestic abuse is not something that "works itself out" over time.  In almost every case the abuse only gets worse as time goes on.  The only way out of the situation is for one of the two parties involved to separate themselves from the other.  Unfortunately this does not happen nearly often enough.  Women tend to stay with the men who beat them and they end up getting beat over and over again.  Don't ask me why this is the case... I simply don't know.  Some may say that she stays because of love.  If this is the case then it is not the kind of love that I am familiar with.  Women who are being abused need to get away from the man who is abusing them and they need to do it now.
That is all that needs to be said about this situation.  It is the only solution.
Abused women... get out... now!

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