Sunday, August 11, 2013

Watching CBS Promo's aka "Trying to Watch the Golf Tournament"

I am biting my tongue.  It is all I can do to keep from cursing CBS.  Okay, so I'm watching the NASCAR race on ESPN and I only flip over to CBS during the commercials.  I have flipped over to CBS four times now to get caught up on the action and three of those times CBS was showing promo's... not commercials... promo's.  I got one brief glimpse of Tiger Woods holing out on the 18th hole before CBS cut away to commercials and promo's.  To top it off, I have had to watch CBS promo's of the PGA Championship all week long and now when I flip over to catch a little golf I am getting more promo's.  Wow.
CBS is missing a great opportunity to televise a MAJOR golf tournament.

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