Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bandits in the Kitchen after Midnight

Sissy (our dachshund) and Miss Kitty have had a voracious appetite lately and Wanda just could not keep enough food in the bowl for them. They eat during the day and before Wanda and I go to bed at night we fill their bowl up for them only to find it empty in the morning. We have been wondering how in the world these two are eating so much food? Well, we finally figured it out.
Last night Wanda got up at about 2:30 and walked into the kitchen get a midnight snack when she noticed that we had visitors. There were two large pretty raccoons having a feast of cat food and they did not even flinch when she approached them. She finally convinced them to walk out the back door and to go find another restaurant. They are regular visitors to our back door but that is the first time that we have caught them inside the house. Needless to say they are very fat because we usually leave food out for the stray cats that come by pretty regularly.
I guess we will have to start closing the back door at night now when we go to bed. That's a shame because we like the fresh breeze that flows through the house when the back door is open. Oh well, I guess the crime is getting pretty bad out here in the boonies when we have to close our back door at night. 

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