Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lazy Pot Smokers

I get sick and go to the doctor.  The doctor gives me a prescription which I get filled and take as per the instructions.  I get well.  Did I get well because I went to the doctor?  Ask any doctor.  Sometimes we do get well because we went to the doctor and followed his advice, but the fact is that we probably would have gotten well if we had just stayed home, taken aspirin, rested, and drank plenty of juices.
What does that have to do with Lazy Pot Smokers?  I'll tell you.  There are lazy people in this world... always have been and always will be.  It is a part of our "culture."
So... what does a lazy person do?  He/she sits around and watches tv and does as little as possible.  Sometimes they read books instead and sometimes they do drugs... usually somebody else's drugs.  So... does the tv make them lazy?  Do books make people lazy?  Does pot make people lazy?  If so, let's just elect someone who will crusade to rid the world of television, books, and drugs.
Come on people.  Get real.  Yes... pot does give you the munchies... a friend of mine told me that.  Pffffffft...

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